Monday, March 7, 2011

Frequently Asked Fat Transfer Questions

What is fat transfer?
Fat transfer is a procedure in which fat is harvested through a small incision from either the neck or the abdomen and then injected into the desired area, such as facial wrinkles.

Who is the best candidate for fat transfer? 
The best candidate for a fat transfer procedure is a physically healthy man or woman who has realistic expectations and is interested in improving the appearance of facial skin. It can be particularly beneficial for those seeking a natural alternative to collagen.

Are there any limitations to what fat transfer procedures can achieve? 
Fat transfer is often not able to treat severe surface wrinkles, which are better treated with chemical peels, dermabrasion or laser treatments. In addition, a brow lift or facelift can typically better treat deep folds in the face or brow caused by loose skin or overactive muscles. The results achieved with fat transfer are not permanent.

Where is the fat transfer procedure performed? 
Most fat transfer procedures can be performed in a surgeon's office, though they may take place in a hospital if combined with other procedures.

Is anesthesia used for fat transfer?
The donor and recipient site are typically treated with a local anesthetic, though some patients may also opt for sedation.

How long does the fat transfer procedure take?
Fat transfer procedures can typically be performed in under an hour.

Is fat transfer a painful procedure?
Fat transfer  has minimal discomfort.

Will it be possible for me to drive myself home after the fat transfer procedure? 
Fat transfer procedure typically involves little or no downtime, though patients receiving sedation should not drive themselves home after the procedure.

What is the recovery like after fat transfer?
Fat transfer procedures typically involve minimal swelling and little or no bruising. There is very little downtime, if any, and patients can typically resume their normal activities right away.

Will I need to take off from work after a fat transfer procedure? 
Patients can typically return to work and other normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Is fat transfer covered by insurance?
Procedure performed solely for cosmetic purposed are typically not covered by insurance. However, some degree of coverage may be available for fat transfer procedures used to treat scars resulting from accident or injury.

Is it possible to get financing for a fat transfer procedure? 
Financing is available for many plastic surgery procedures and your plastic surgeon should be able to provide you with additional information.

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